In the aftermath of the destructive 2023 wildfire season in Canada, scientists are studying the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and ensemble modeling to enhance weather forecasting and improve predictions of air quality dangers. This is particularly urgent because over 290 million tons of carbon were released into the atmosphere during the wildfire season, requiring efforts to lessen the effects of wildfires and safeguard human health.
Ensemble modeling, a method that employs multiple versions of models, has emerged as a game-changer in weather forecasting. Developed by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), this AI-assisted method has proven to be faster and more accurate than traditional approaches.
One of the main challenges during wildfires is predicting air quality due to the long-range spread of smoke pollutants. These pollutants can have different harmful effects, ranging from eye irritation to breathing difficulties. APL’s deep-learning emulator addresses this challenge by considering variations in weather data, enabling scientists to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the movement and development of these pollutants.
Marisa Hughes, climate intelligence lead at APL, emphasizes the importance of this approach, stating, “By simulating atmospheric models and accounting for nearly 200 different pollutants for every timestep, we can gain a more precise and higher-resolution understanding of air quality over time.”
Traditional weather forecasting methods rely on complex equations that process large amounts of data, such as atmospheric composition and air temperature. However, these methods often require significant computational power, data, and time to make predictions further into the future. APL’s AI-assisted method saves computation time by computing shorter timesteps, resulting in faster and more accurate predictions.
A crucial aspect of this computation is understanding the chemistry of pollutant interactions and decay. By understanding these interactions, researchers can better anticipate the movement and impact of smoke-borne contaminants. APL collaborates with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to utilize AI in simulating atmospheric models, leading to more accurate predictions.
The effects of severe wildfires extend beyond Canada. In recent years, California has also experienced record-breaking fire seasons, contributing to the global air quality crisis. Smoke from the Canadian wildfires even reached as far as Portugal and Spain, triggering air quality alerts across the United States and Canada.
According to the National Institutes of Health, air pollution is responsible for 6.5 million deaths worldwide each year. Therefore, the development of sophisticated models that provide timely information about air quality dangers is crucial. APL’s deep-learning models, which simulate ensembles using fewer and shorter timesteps of input, offer a promising solution.
The advancements in AI and ensemble modeling are revolutionizing the field of weather forecasting and air quality predictions. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, scientists gain better insights into the complexities of climate change and its impact on human health. These innovations offer hope for a future where accurate and timely information can help protect populations from the harmful effects of wildfires and other environmental hazards.
As severe wildfires continue to increase globally, the need for improved forecasting and air quality predictions becomes increasingly critical. Ongoing research and technological advancements bring us closer to a future where the devastating effects of wildfires can be lessened, preserving the health of our planet and its inhabitants. By tapping into the potential of AI and ensemble modeling, scientists are paving the way for a safer and more resilient world.